
Affiliated with the Liberal Democratic Party, Kazuo Aichi (1937‐2024) was a member of the House of Representatives, first elected in 1976, serving until 2000, and re-elected in 2005. He also served as Director-General of the Japan Defense Agency (防衛庁) from 1993-1994. He lost his seat in the 2009 general election and retired from Diet membership.

His personal website offers an original revision draft of the constitution known as the Aichi Draft. The draft emphasizes the role of the emperor, introduces Japanese culture and spirit in the Preamble, identifies the emperor as the chief of state, defines "Hinomaru (日の丸)" as the national flag and "Kimigayo (君が代)" as the national anthem, promotes peaceful resolution of international conflicts, calls for revision of both clauses of Article 9, redefines the Self-Defense Forces as a security force and establishes articles about the environment, rights to privacy, and measures for dealing with national emergencies.