
Shiori Yamao/Kanno is a Democratic Party for the People (国民民主党, DPFP) lawmaker serving in the House of Representatives since 2014; she previously held office from 2009-2012 as well. She was formerly affiliated with the Democratic Party of Japan (民主党), the Democratic Party (民進党), and the Constitutional Democratic Party (立憲民主党).

Yamao insists on “Constitutionalistic Revision (立憲的改憲),” aiming for constitutional revision from a “liberal” perspective. She was one of the members of the Commission on the Constitution (House of Representatives) who represents the DPFP as of February 2021. She opposed constitutional revision by the Abe administration. Regarding Article 9, she proposes to change the text to limit the sphere of the Self Defense Forces' activity only to individual self-defense purposes, denying its collective self-defense right (2017 interview). She also has a YouTube channel, YAMAO Shiori Channel, in which she explains her constitutional stance.

She didn't run for the 2021 general election and retired from Diet membership. In November 2021, she announced that she will use her maiden name, Kanno, for hereafter. After retiring from politics, she has been working as a lawyer.